Connecting your new PPB Training system to wifi is as easy as connecting any other device. In this Tutorial we will be walking through the process step by step.
You will need a usb keyboard connected to the micro computer. If you do not have a USB keyboard available to you, there is an alternate connection method described at the bottom of this page
process with USB keyboard
connect your USB keyboard to the micro computer and plug in the PPB Training system, the PPB Software will automatically launch. In order to connect to wifi you will want to close the program by right clicking on the table and selecting APP -> EXIT.
The desktop of the micro computer (raspberry pi) will now be showing.
In the top right corner of the screen you will see a few icons, hover over the wifi icon and click, a list will appear with all wifi networks that are currently in range.
Select the network you want to connect to and a pass key box will appear, type your wifi password into the box and click ok.
You should now be connected to the network and have access to the PPB system from any other computer connected to the same network.
setup WITHOUT a USB keyboard
This process is slightly more complicated than the one above but will allow you to achieve the same results. All you will need is a USB Flashdrive and any other computer that has a keyboard attached. From the computer with the keyboard, create a new text file and type your wifi password into it. Save the file to a portable flash drive. after that, unplug the flash drive from the computer and plug it into the PPB Training system. Turn the PPB Training system on if it is not already. when the PPB software autostarts, close it down by right clicking on the table and selecting APP -> Exit.
The desktop of the micro computer (raspberry pi) will now be showing. select and open the flash drive with the respective Icon on the desktop. double click the text file you created earlier to open it.
Highlight the wifi password, right click and select copy.
In the top right corner of the screen you will see a few icons, hover over the wifi icon and click, a list will appear with all wifi networks that are currently in range.
Select the network you want to connect to and a pass key box will appear. Right click inside the box and select paste. after selecting ok, you should now be connected to wifi.
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