The Projection pro billiards training system comes Pre-Loaded With over 700 different layouts, drills, and patterns. Below Is a list of what comes pre loaded in our system at purchase. Other projection pool training aids make you buy “modules” if you want to expand the content in their software. Here at PPB we believe in value! check out the list below for a breakdown of EVERYTHING you get with our standard package. not to mention the ability to load ALL of the training material you already have.
From The Pros – Lessons and Drill sets made by the pros and leaders in the industry

Billiard University – Dr.Dave Alciatore:
The Billiard University Exam course is the defacto standard for practicing the different skill sets needed to master this game in an organized and well scored fashion.
Projection Pro Billiards comes pre loaded with all Four of the exams:
- Fundamentals
- Bachelors
- Masters
- Doctorate

Progressive Practice – Bob Jewett:
Bob Jewett is without a doubt one of the best instructors to teach this game. He developed a progressive practice training program designed to increase your skill level in a fun and traceable manner.
Thanks to the Projection Pro Billiards Training System, this drill set is now more accessible and easier to set up and use than ever before!

Full Spectrum Cue Ball Control –
Tom Flanagan:
Designed Specifically for the Projection Pro Billiards Training System, this drill set will help you learn what different english and “cheating the pocket” can do for cue ball placement around the table.
With 35 patterns and 3 to 4 target locations per pattern. You will work through a Full Spectrum understanding of shot mechanics and placement that will improve your game in no time flat.

Bullseye Billiards – Jeramiah Gauge:
*additional purchase
Bullseye Billiards is a great way to practice cueball control while playing a game either against yourself or with friends. With a MASSIVE 200 different shots covering draw, follow, sidespin, rail shots, stun, scratches, and advanced placement. This drill set will keep you busy for HOURS. Master them all and watch your win rate climb.
Player made content and more general drills and layouts.

4 & 8 Zone Drills:
Marking different zones on the table with cue and object locations marked out in each zone.
These layouts are great for breaking down and progressing through speed and spin while making setup locations for shots easy to remember and accurate to set up again and again.

Bank and Kick Drills:
This set contains fundamental two to one kick lines and other banking and kicking layouts to help you practice and visualize what it means to be a great kick shot and bank artist.

Cut Shot Drills:
This Drill set contains standard cut shot practice drills. Have your cut shots been just a little off lately? Open up this drill set and work your stroke till they are back on point.

Draw Shot Drills:
Much like the Cut Shot Drill Set. This Draw Shot package contains standard draw shot drills to help lock in your smooth stroke and follow through.

Large Area Training:
This drill set Focuses on full table large area positioning and shot making. including some classic table layouts, practicing in this folder will help lay the ground work for your table running capabilities.

Small Area Positioning:
As the name suggests, This drillset focuses of small (half- table) positioning and cue control. Practice he will help you string together “nice outs” on table layouts with traffic and close proximity.

Shooting Drills:
Practice your shot making ability with the layouts contained within this drill set. It was put together as a loosely structured shooting practice guide. To be as regimented or random as you like, this drill set will cater to any style of shooting practice.

Tangent Line Training Drills:
Focus on learning your tangent line! The layouts, shots, and patterns in this drill set will help you fully understand the tangent line. Speed, Spin and Stun all affect what path the cue ball takes but the tangent line stays the same. Learn the ins and outs of this part of the game with PPB’s Tangent Line Training Drill set.

Tough Shots:
We’ve all been there! you approach the table, sight your shot, and think “this a tough shot”. PPB has put together a full drill set designed to take the “Tough” out of these type of shots. never fear a cut angle, rail placement, distance, or reach ever again. All you have to do is practice within this drill set.
We’re not done yet! We still have a whole section to cover.
Games and challenges:
The Projection Pro Billiards system is designed first and foremost to be a flexible training aid and is meant to be used as a tool to improve your game… But who ever said practice can’t be fun? We’ve included a full section of built in games that you can play with friends or “against the ghost” to help build your skills.

Rotation Pool:
Okay guys and gals, this one is MASSIVE! Our Rotation Pool set includes 2 though 9 ball rotation patterns meant to be played with a friend and has its own scoring system. Each set of patterns includes 30 layouts!!! That is 9*30 = 270 different patterns! Each set of 30 layouts are broken down into courses A,B and C that range and increase in difficulty. This game alone is worth what the whole system costs and we give it to you for no extra charge!

Rotation 4 Plus 2:
This rotation game is designed to be hard, it progresses from 4 to 5 to 6 balls placed in patterns that will test your skills of breaking clusters, pinpoint positioning and creative shot making.

Zombie Defense:
Protect your kitchen from zombies! This fun shooting practice game will have you placing object balls on zombies and shooting them from in the kitchen, after each miss, the zombies advance towards you. Keep yourself safe! Make the shots!

Baseball on Billiards:
This fun two player game pits you against an opponent. you are trying to pocket a pitch (object ball) and make the cueball land on a randomly generated target zone in the outfield. If you miss the target or shot, you are out. The scoreboard projected on the table tracks innings, outs and score. Now that you know the rules…LETS PLAY BALL!

Battle War Ships:
Another two player game. This time you and your opponent are at sea with your warships on your side of the table with two object balls place on each ship.
At the start of each round, your bomber takes off and flies to a spot on the table, this is where you shoot from. each player takes one shot and registers if they made or missed it. A hit will generate flame and smoke on the ship, two hits sink the ship… be the first to sink your opponents Warships!
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